Adult Day Health Program
Adult Day Health is a medically-based program that helps the participant remain independent while promoting good health and well being. Adult Day Health helps participants to reach their highest level of independence and functioning.
Who may participate?
Individuals who are in need of skilled personal and health care services in order to maintain or promote independent living may be eligible for the program. Participants are screened according to eligibility criteria and, upon acceptance, may join the program after receiving their physician’s approval.
Those insured by MassHealth receive complete coverage for daily attendance and round-trip transportation. Other insurances may be accepted. Private payment may also be arranged.
You’re invited to meet us.
We welcome the opportunity for you to visit and learn more about the Adult Day Health program. Come see what this innovative and comprehensive service can offer you and your loved one. To arrange a visit at one of our Adult Day Health sites, simply call 508-646-0135.
All appropriate arrangements will be made to provide daily round-trip transportation for all participants who qualify. Vehicles are equipped with road safety and emergency equipment. Special vehicles feature state-of-the-art chair lifts. Our drivers receive on-going training and are able to respond to all road and medical emergencies. All drivers are certified in CPR and First Aid.
There are many high quality services provided by the Adult Day Health program:
- Health care monitoring education, medication management and supervision by a full time caring, professional nursing staff.
- A hot, nutritious lunch and two snacks
- Access to mental health counseling, if needed
- Speech, occupational and physical therapy, if needed
- Recreational and educational activities, including monthly outings.
- Personal care services
- Transportation coordination to and from the program site and medical appointments
- Daily exercise program
- Referral to additional health care and social service agencies.
- Many additional features developed specifically to address the needs of our participants
If you would like to learn more about the program or see if you qualify for services, complete this referral form and someone will reach out to you. Or, if you prefer, you may call one of our sites below.
21 Father DeValles Boulevard
Ground Floor #2
Fall River, MA 02723
21 Father DeValles Boulevard
Unit 11
Fall River, MA 02723
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Please see the full Non-Discrimination Statements below: